The unique solution to derive Benchmark price for
the globally standard T-GDP Units
the globally standard T-GDP Units

How does it help you?
- Market Makers as Ready Buyers at the Benchmark Price assuring liquidity
- Swap to buy any TROT Product to meet your

The unique solution to derive
Benchmark price for the globally
standard T-GDP UnitsT-GDP units shielded from the local
distorting factors makes them an ideal stable universal currency
Benchmark price for the globally
standard T-GDP UnitsT-GDP units shielded from the local
distorting factors makes them an ideal stable universal currency
Shield Against Local Distorting Factors
Inversely varying local currency exchange rates vis-à-vis the gold price and
the prices of the globally tradable TROT products even out the country
specific factors to a large extent
How is it Computed?
- TROT System aggregates USD value of the Corpus Fund investments including the gold deposit
- The value expressed per TGDP unit in terms of 24-carat gold quantity converted at LMR price in USD
- 24-carat Gold entitlement per TGDP unit is the globally standard value of the units