Sharing the Value Appreciations
How Computed?
Consolidated value of all the CF Accounts converted into 24-carat gold at LME rate in US$
Total Bonus T-GDP units to be allotted is derived by deducting the existing Gold entitlements
The Bonus T-GDP units allotted to the existing TGDP holders other than the Gold Depositors
The balance as surplus /shortfall of the Bonus T-GDP units allotted to the Gold Depositor
How it Benefits
The Number Of T-GDP Units Are Increased Meeting The Expected Demand Growth
The Number Of T-GDP Units Are Increased Meeting The Expected Demand Growth
Globally uniform rate of T-GDP units; aligned with LME Gold rate
Globally uniform rate of T-GDP units; aligned with LME Gold rate
Low rate of Capital Gains tax on its sale proceeds
Low rate of Capital Gains tax on its sale proceeds
Low unit value helps small investors; know your gold entitlement anytime
Low unit value helps small investors; know your gold entitlement anytime
You know your gold entitlement without any ‘computations’
You know your gold entitlement without any ‘computations’
T-GDP rate in the local currency indicative of the economy
T-GDP rate in the local currency indicative of the economy